woman signing paperwork with attorney

Navigating the complexities of conservatorships requires a steady, knowledgeable hand. At Shaw & Nelson, our dedicated estate planning attorneys bring years of experience to every unique case. With compassion and skill, we guide our clients through the legal maze, offering peace of mind that only comes from working with seasoned professionals. 

Let us help you secure the necessary legal framework to support those who cannot manage their affairs, with the dignity and respect they deserve. Call today to speak with our conservatorship attorney. We serve clients in Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana. 

What Is a Conservatorship?

A conservatorship is a legal arrangement established by a court where a responsible person or organization, known as a conservator, is appointed to oversee and manage the financial affairs and, sometimes, the daily life decisions of an adult who cannot do so themselves due to incapacity or disability. 

This legal tool protects those who cannot make sound decisions, ensuring their assets are properly managed. The ultimate purpose of a conservatorship is to provide for the care and protection of individuals whose vulnerabilities might otherwise leave them at risk of harm or exploitation.

Types of Conservatorship

Conservatorships come in various forms to suit the diverse needs of those they are designed to protect:

  • General conservatorship – This is a comprehensive form of conservatorship often suitable for adults with severe limitations due to age, disease, or injury, who require long-term management of most or all of their affairs. The appointed conservator has broad authority over financial decisions, medical care, and living arrangements.
  • Limited conservatorship – Tailored for adults who can handle some, but not all, of the responsibilities of daily life, a limited conservatorship allows for a more tailored approach. The conservator is granted specific powers to manage only certain aspects of the conservatee’s life, preserving a degree of independence.
  • Temporary conservatorship – In urgent situations where an individual requires immediate protection, a temporary conservatorship can be established. It is a short-term solution, granting a conservator interim powers to manage affairs until a permanent solution is implemented.

The primary difference among these types rests in the scope and duration of the conservator’s powers. A general conservatorship is more enduring and wide-ranging, suitable for individuals who are unlikely to regain their capacity. A limited conservatorship respects the remaining capacities of the individual, is customizable, and can change over time. Temporary conservatorships are quick responses to emergencies, providing immediate protection until a long-term decision can be made. Selecting the correct type hinges on the specific needs and the projected future capabilities of the person in need of protection. 

How To Establish A Conservatorship in Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana

Establishing a conservatorship, while sharing common legal requirements and procedures, varies from state to state. Generally, the process begins with filing a petition for conservatorship in the appropriate court, which includes detailed information about the person in need of protection and the necessity for the conservatorship.

The court reviews the petition, conducts hearings to assess the evidence, and determines the individual’s capacity. Medical testimony and other expert opinions are often pivotal in establishing the extent of incapacity. If the court finds the person to be incapable of managing their affairs, it will appoint a conservator, taking into consideration the best interests of the individual.

Working with an estate planning lawyer throughout this process is essential. Our team is here to help facilitate a smoother process, clarify your legal obligations, and offer support and guidance during this challenging time.

Responsibilities of a Conservator

A conservator is charged with managing the conservatee’s finances. This includes prudently managing assets, ensuring bills are paid, and income such as pensions or Social Security benefits are collected and used for the conservatee’s benefit. The conservator must also meticulously document all transactions and financial activities, preparing detailed reports for periodic review by the court. These reports are crucial as they provide transparency and serve as a check to prevent potential misuse of funds.

In addition to financial management, the conservator must submit regular updates to the court, detailing the conservatee’s well-being and any changes in their condition or needs. This aspect of oversight is essential in maintaining the conservator’s accountability and ensuring that the conservatee’s estate is being managed effectively and in their best interest.

As a fiduciary, the conservator is held to the highest standard of care, obligated to act solely in the best interests of the conservatee. Failure to meet these duties can result in legal consequences, as conservators can be held liable for mistakes or misconduct. The gravity of a conservator’s role cannot be overstated, as their actions directly impact the quality of life and security of the conservatee. Turn to Shaw & Nelson for guidance to help you fulfill your duties as a conservator with integrity and diligence.

The Rights of Conservatees

Even under a conservatorship, the conservatee retains fundamental rights under the law, including the rights to:

  • Due process – The conservatee has the right to receive notice of all court proceedings and to be present at those proceedings.
  • Legal representation – The conservatee has the right to be represented by an attorney in all aspects of the conservatorship process.
  • Challenge the conservatorship – The conservatee can contest the necessity of the conservatorship or the choice of the appointed conservator.
  • Request termination or modification – If the conservatee’s condition improves, they have the right to petition the court for the conservatorship to be reevaluated, modified, or terminated.
  • Privacy – The conservatee retains a right to privacy, and the conservator must respect these boundaries, only intervening as legally necessary.

Notably, periodic court reviews monitor the conservator’s actions and the continued need for the conservatorship. This review process often includes examining financial reports and assessments of the conservatee’s current condition.

How We Can Help

At Shaw & Nelson, we provide informed guidance on all aspects of estate planning, including conservatorships. Our experienced attorneys understand the nuances of Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana laws and will help you navigate the complex process with skill and empathy. We assist in selecting the right conservator, petitioning the court, and ensuring all legal standards are met and the conservatee’s interests are protected. With our firm by your side, you can trust that every step will be handled with professionalism and care, delivering the peace of mind that comes with knowing your loved one’s future is secure.

Talk To An Experienced Attorney About Setting Up A Conservatorship

At Shaw & Nelson, your family’s peace of mind is our top priority. If you’re facing the complexities of a conservatorship, reach out to us for counsel that is as compassionate as it is competent. Contact us today for the support and guidance you need and deserve.